Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 11 & 12

Being on this paleo thing reminds me of trying to be more disciplined in other areas of my life as well. Trying to exercise on a regular basis, working on my relationship with God daily, being more consistent about searching for what my dream job is, being a better friend, sister, and daughter... I don't know what it is about me; if I'm trying to improve something in my life like health that apparently inspires me to work on myself in other aspects of my life. Perhaps because if I know I can be successful in this, I can be successful in other things. It's funny thinking about times when I didn't watch what I ate, because ironically I wasn't really watching or caring intentionally about other areas either. My personal life wasn't the healthiest and I rarely exercised. Not that my life was in shambles obviously but I find myself living more intentionally lately. 

This reminds me of a quote :)
‎"The unexamined life is not worth living" -Socrates

It's important to me to continually examine myself and my life. If i'm not living intentionally, life will literally pass me by and one day I'll look back and wonder what I did with it. 

So this is my paleo blog so here is what I ate Day 11:
-2 eggs, 2 sausages, 2 paleo pancakes (so full afterwards)
-salad with apple, pecans, balsamic vinegar
-tuna and avocado 
-some paleo spaghetti

This is what I ate/am going to eat for today, Day 12:
-2 eggs and 2 sausages
-berry and banana smoothie
-chicken salad from panera (YUM!)
-pulled bbq pork (the bbq sauce had tomatoes, vinegar, oil, and a tiny bit of salt..soo good) and a side salad 

Almost halfway done! 

1 comment:

  1. yey alsie you are doing so good! i totally know what you are talking about. discipline in one area inspires a more thoughtful life. It reminds me of the verse in timothy "watch your life and your doctrine closely."

    love you little proud of you!
